"Squaring the curve in less developed countries. Thinking public policies for healthy life expectancies"

George Myers lecture 2017: Dr Alberto Palloni “Evolution of human mortality: genes, intrauterine development and early growth”.

The great success achieved in prolonging human life doesn’t necessarily mean that the gained years are lived in good health for the whole world. A diversity of factors, both environmental and socioeconomic, shape disparities among populations.

Healthy life expectancy - the average amount of years that a healthy person, at a certain age - expects to live before suffering from a disability, is an ideal tool to monitor health needs and highlight health inequities, because being independent from the size of the population and its age structure, it allows comparisons between different groups.

REVES (Espérance de Vie et Santé) is an international organization for the promotion of the use of health expectancies as an indicator of the health of populations. The REVES network convenes researchers representing a wide range of disciplines: demography, epidemiology, gerontology, social sciences, public health, health economics, medicine, biology and statistics The REVES network meets at an annual conference and will be held for the first time in a South American country.

Keynote Speakers

Jean-Marie Robine


Coordinator of the International Network on Health Expectancy (REVES), Associated Researcher, Mortality, Health and Epidemiology, Institut National d’Etudes Démographiques (INED), France.

Emmanuelle Cambois


Research director, Mortality, Health and Epidemiology, Institut National d’Etudes Démongraphiques (INED), France.

Cecilia Albala


Chair Persons REVES 2017, Full Professor, Public Nutrition Unit, University of Chile. Chile.

Mary Beth Ofstedal


Research Scientist, Population Studies Center; Survey Research Center, Institute for Social Research, University of Michigan, USA.

Roberto Ham-Chande


Investigador, Departamento de Estudios de Población, El Colegio de la Frontera Norte, Tijuana, México.

Yasuhiko Saito


Professor of University Research Center, Nihon University, Japan; Population Research Institute, Nihon University, Japan.

Dorly Deeg


Professor of Epidemiology of Ageing, VU University Medical Centre. The Netherlands.

Zachary Zimmer


Professor, Family Studies and Gerontology Canada Research Chair and Director, Global Aging and Community Initiative, Mount Saint Vincent University, Canada.

Alberto Palloni


Samuel Preston Professor of Sociology, Emeritus, Department of sociology, University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA.

Chair persons

Cecilia Albala

General Coordinator

Bárbara Angel

Scientific Committee Chair person
Lydia Lera

Local Organization Committee
Bárbara Ángel, Alejandra Fuentes, Mario Moya

Important dates

December 19

march 13

March 27

April 14

Abstract submission starts


Authors will be notified

Presenter, please register


We invite researchers to send abstracts for the meeting on the following Thematic areas

Abstract must have title, objectives, methods, results, conclusions and three key words . The maximum extension is 350 words excluding title and key words"

  • Life expectancy and healthy expectancies
  • Chronic diseases in older population
  • Health inequalities
  • Social Determinants of health
  • Mobility, functional limitations, disability, dependence
  • Cognitive impairment, depression and others
  • Longevity
  • Public policies

Contacto: bangel@inta.uchile.cl

Diseño: Dirección de Extension FAU - U. de Chile